A combination of online advertising, the use of flavors in vaporized extracts, and low harm perception have contributed to a growing popularity in vaping. This one-hour presentation provides an overview of the use of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices with a special focus on individuals with behavioral challenges. Is vaping a viable alternative to combustible tobacco? Does it really help people to stop smoking cigarettes? Should we consider vaping a harm reduction method? Data is reviewed to explore those questions and to identify the impact of vaping on the physical and mental health of youth and adults in Pennsylvania.
- Provide a description of current vaping products on the market today.
- Review adult and youth prevalence data.
- Identify the association between combustible tobacco and vaping product use, mental illness, and other substance use.
- Review data on the safety and efficacy of e-cigarettes to stop smoking.
Present an overview of community resources for prevention and treatment.